Step 8.4 – Test your import formats
The final test for your import formats requires using the DLA to collect Item
IDs, importing the collected Item IDs, and verifying that your circulation
system accepts the formatted text files created by Data Manager.
To test your import formats
1 Export collection categories to a memory card.
2 Use the DLA to collect Item IDs and save them
to each collection category.
See the DLA User Guide for descriptions
on how to collect data.
3 Transfer the memory card from the DLA to the
Data Manager memory-card drive.
4 Click Import to import the Item IDs from
the memory card.
Data Manager saves the collected Item
IDs from each category as a separate,
formatted text file.
Each category has a separate folder
where the formatted text files for that
category are saved. These folders are
located in the Import File Destination
folder that you designated earlier.
5 View the imported text files to ensure that any
header or command codes required by your
circulation system are correct.
a From the main Data Manager window,
open the Collection Categories folder.
b Select the text file that you want to view.
c On the toolbar, click View File .
6 Use your circulation system to process the
formatted text files.
Make sure that the circulation data was
updated correctly.
Import file list order
The text file lists collected Item IDs in expected
shelf order if the collected Item IDs appear in
one or more of the shelf-order lists on the
memory card.
Any collected Item ID that does not appear on
any of the shelf-order lists on the memory card
is displayed at the bottom of the list.
Figure 28: Click Import to import collected Item IDs from
a memory card.
Figure 29: View the formatted text file to ensure that it
meets the requirements of your circulation system.
26 © 3M 2011. All rights reserved.