Step 5 – Define list barcode validation parametersStep 5 – Define list barcode validation parameters
Barcode validation parameters are used to validate the barcode data in the
list files generated from your circulation system. Records with invalid
barcodes are not exported and will generate an export error.
The Data Format Guide includes detailed descriptions and
examples of barcode validation parameters.
Refer to the Data Format Worksheet that you completed
earlier for barcode validation settings.
To define barcode validation parameters
1 From the Admin Setup menu,
click List Barcode Validation.
The List Barcode Validation Parameters
dialog box appears.
2 Assign the Valid Length parameters.
After processing (removal of any invalid
characters), the final length must be within
the range specified here.
If all barcodes are the same length, enter
the same minimum and maximum length.
3 Select Valid Characters.
Define which characters are allowed in a
valid barcode by checking the appropriate
valid character boxes.
Other characters can be entered in the
Additional Valid Characters text box.
4 Click OK.
Figure 6: Barcode validation parameters are used to
test the barcode data in each record of the list files
generated from your circulation system.
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