Unpacking Your Iron
Unpack the iron carefully. If you dispose of the packaging, do so having regard to
any recycling regulations in your area.
The packaging contains:
One Tricity Steam Iron
One ller cup
If any item is missing or damaged: please contact the Tesco store where you
purchased the item, or your nearest Tesco store. Please have your receipt ready
when you call.
Important Special Features of Your Iron
Soleplate: The soleplate of the iron is coated. To protect the nish do not use abra-
sives to clean the iron and avoid running the iron over hard metal surfaces.
Anti-Scale System: A special resin lter inside the water reservoir softens the wa-
ter and prevents scale build-up in the plate. The resin lter is permanent and does
not need replacing.
Use tap water only. Distilled and/demineralised water makes the anti-calc system
ineective by altering its characteristics. Do not use chemical additives, scented sub-
stances or decalciers. Failure to comply may invalidate the guarantee.
Anti-Drip System: Always iron delicate fabrics at low temperatures. At these low
temperatures the soleplate may cool to the point where no steam comes out, but
drops of boiling water can still escape which can leave marks or stains. If this occurs,
the Anti-drip system automatically activates to prevent vapourization, so that you
can iron the most delicate fabrics without risk of spoiling or staining them.
Ironing Temperatures
Check the ironing instructions attached to the article (they are on a label showing a
symbol of an iron). Always follow these ironing instructions. The indications on the
iron’s temperature dial and the table below will help you.
If there are no ironing instructions but you know the fabric, then use the table
below. The table is valid only for the actual materials and does not take account of
any nish applied to the fabric. Textiles to which a nish has been applied (wrinkle
relief, printed T shirts etc.) should be ironed at lower temperatures.
If the fabric contains mixed bres, select the lowest ironing temperature of the
composition, e.g. iron a 60% polyester /40% cotton mix at the temperature
indicated for polyester.
Do not iron
Synthetics. Set Iron to LOW ( • )
Wool, Silk. Set Iron to MEDIUM ( • • )
Cotton, Linen. Set Iron to HIGH ( • • • )
The iron heats up quicker than it cools down. Sort fabrics to be ironed into groups
according to temperature; wool with wool, cotton with cotton, etc. Start by ironing
articles requiring low temperature settings and progress to higher ones.
Note: Do not iron garments that are dirty or stained. The heat may set the stain.
Pure (100%) wool fabrics may be pressed with the iron set to a steam position and
the garment protected by a dry cloth.
Before You Start