If there is enough space the machine
can however be slid under a worktop
complete with its own lid which must
not be removed. The machine must be
allowed to jut out sufficiently for the con-
trol panel not to be obscured.
For installation under a work surface
900/910 mm from the floor, a raising
kit* is required.
Connections for electricity, water and
drainage should be installed in such a
way that they remain accessible when
the machine is in place.
Washer and Dryer stack
A Miele tumble dryer can be stacked
with the washing machine. A stacking
kit* is necessary and can be pur-
chased from the Miele Spare Parts De-
All parts marked* are available from the
Miele Spare Parts or Sales Department,
and must be fitted by a suitably compe-
tent person according to the instruction-
s supplied with the kit.