Hard water-do youhaveit?
Before you can decide what to do
If your water is SOFT, you have
about hard water, you need to know
no problem. Youcan use soap or
if you have it and, if so, how hard
detergent as you prefer and forget
it is.
all about hard water. If you have
● If you live in a municipal area,
HARD water-less than 10grains—
conbct your water comtxuw.
and you use phosphate detergent,
. .
● If you live in a rural area, or in
you also have no problem.
some suburban areas, conhct your
But, if you havemore than 10
county agent.
grains, you will need to soften your
The answer will be “you have ‘so
water with either. . .
many grains’ per gallon” and
1. An installed water softener in
means this:
your home, or
Oto 3 grains per gallon–SOFT
4 to 10grains–HARD
2. The use of a packaged water
11to 19-grains–VERY HARD
For information on water
softeners, see guide below.
20 grains and over—
Addthis much watersoftenerwith a Ml waterlevel
Grains of
o–lo lo–15
20–25 25–30
over 30
When using % cup
‘/2 cup
% cup 1cup
1cup plus 1tablespoon for every 5 grains above
with detergent (60 ml) (120ml)
(160ml) (240 ml) 30 (240 ml plus 15ml for each extra 5 grains)
When using % cup % cup % cup 1cup 1% cups 1%cups plus 1tablespoon for every 5 grains above
with soap (80 ml) (160ml) (180ml)
(240 d) (360 ml)
30 (300 ml r)lus 15ml for each extra 5 ~rains)
Ene~y-Saving Tips
If your clothes and household items
don’t look clean and fresh after
washing, you will probably re-wash
them.. and that means you’ll waste
energy. Remember to sort your
clothes carefully, and load them
properly, select correct cycles, use
enough detergent and
choose a
water temperature warm enough
to release and get rid of soil.
. Use Hot Wash—upto 150°F.-on
a regular basis only when washing
heavily soiled articles-such as
work and play clothes.
● under nol-m~ soil conditions, Wmh
in water above 80°F. (27°C.). This
generallymeansusingtheWm Wmh
temperaturesettingon your washer—
temperatures approximately 90° to
llO°F.or hand comfortable. If you
notice that soil has accumulatedafter
Washoccasionally,if safeforfabrics.
● Try to wash less often. Save
articles of the same type of fabric
until you have a full load.
● Wash in off-peak utility hours.
Yourlocal utility can tell you which
are the off-peak hours.