Bulky wash options
Sleeping bag
Rinse and Spin
Rinse and Spin – High Efficiency Mode
This cycle allows you to select a water efficient Rinse and Spin only.
Rinse and Spin – High Efficiency Mode Off
This cycle allows you to select Rinse and Spin only, using more water in
the rinse for those situations that require it.
High Efficiency Activated High Efficiency OFF
(Default Mode)
Wash Time None None
Wash action None None
Wash temp None None
Rinse sequence Aqua Rinse (Shower) Spray/Deep
Spin Fast (1000 rpm) Fast (1000 rpm)
Spin Only
Spin Only
This cycle gives you the ability to select a Spin only. This cycle also allows
you to customize the spin speed to suit your needs.
Wash Time None
Wash action None
Wash temp None
Rinse sequence None
Spin Fast (1000 rpm), or as selected.
Changing the wash cycle options
Please Note: we recommend that you do not wash
woollen comforter inners, or any other item marked
“dryclean only” in your AquaSmart™ washer.