4 / EN
Washng Machne / User’s Manual
wth the product. Use chld lock to prevent chldren from ntervenng
wth the product.
Do not forget to close the loadng door when leavng the room where
the product s located.
store all detergents and addtves n a safe place away from the
reach of the chldren by closng the cover of the detergent contaner
or sealng the detergent package.
1.3 Electrcal safety
If the product has a falure, t should not be operated unless t s
repared by the Authorzed Servce Agent. Rsk of electrc shock!
Ths product s desgned to resume operatng n the event of
powerng on after a power nterrupton. If you wsh to cancel the
programme, see "Cancellng the programme" secton.
Plug the product nto a grounded outlet protected by a 16 A fuse. Do
not neglect to have the groundng nstallaton made by a qualfed
electrcan. Our company shall not be lable for any damages that
wll arse when the product s used wthout groundng n accordance
wth the local regulatons.
Do not wash the product by sprayng or pourng water onto t! Rsk of
electrc shock!
Never touch the power cable plug wth wet hands! Do not grab the
power cord to unplug the machne, always unplug t by holdng the
socket wth one hand, and pullng the plug wth the other hand.
Product should be unplugged durng nstallaton, mantenance,
cleanng and repar procedures.
If the power cable s damaged, t must be replaced by the
manufacturer, after sales servce or a smlarly qualfed person
(preferably an electrcan) or someone desgnated by the mporter n
order to avod possble rsks.
1.4 Hot surface safety
While washing the laundry at high
temperatures, the loading door glass
will get hot. Considering this fact, during
washing operation keep the children away
from the loading door of the product to
prevent them touching it.