American Dryer Corp. WDA-530 Clothes Dryer User Manual

These figures must be increased in proportion if the main duct run from the last dryer has numerous elbows or is
unusually long. For extended runs or where more elbows are added, the cross-sectional area of the duct can only
be increased to an extent and a professional HVAC firm should be consulted for proper venting information.
IMPORTANT: Exhaust back pressure measure by a manometer at the dryer exhaust duct must
not exceed 0.3 inches of water column when both baskets (tumblers) are operating.
NOTE: Inspection doors should be installed at strategic points in the exhaust duct work for periodic
inspection and cleaning.
b. Multiple Dryer Venting -
where tumblers of each dryer “Y” together.
With multiple venting where the top basket (tumbler) and bottom basket (tumbler) are connected or “Y” together
as described in Section E1 (page 12 through page 14), the minimum diameter size at the “Y” (point of connec-
tion) and main common duct is 10-inches in diameter (80 square inches cross-sectional). This duct run cannot
exceed eight (8) feet in length.