11/21/13 P1043301-005
gateway A device that converts one higher-level network protocol to a different higher level
gleaning A temporary, local configuration option. Gleaning lets you add the address of the
device you want to configure to your local workstation’s ARP table. This configuration is not
permanent and is valid only from the workstation from which you entered the ARP
information. After the information is entered into the workstation’s ARP table, the user
follows up with a Telnet session to enter the information permanently. Note: When using
ZebraNet Bridge, a wired PS with an address of can only be discovered through a local
IP Internet Protocol, one of the main protocols of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
IP address A network address used by the TCP/IP protocol.
IPP Internet Printing Protocol. Allows you to associate a printer with a URL address that is
used for printing over the Internet.
JetAdmin A Hewlett-Packard printer management program available for NetWare and
Kerberos Network authentication protocol that uses the concept of a time-limited “ticket”
for access to network resources. Kerberos uses key distribution and client/server
Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol
(LEAP or Lightweight EAP) A non-standard Wireless Security protocol from Cisco.
LEAP uses mutual authentication, meaning that both the user and the access point must be
authenticated before access to the LAN is allowed. Mutual authentication can help protect
wireless networks from rogue access points, man-in-the-middle attacks, sniffing attacks, and
active attacks. Based on 802.1X EAP protocol.
liquid crystal display (LCD) The LCD is a back-lit display that provides the user with
either operating status during normal operation or option menus when configuring the printer
to a specific application.
logical Refers to conceptual rather than physical. For example, a computer might have a
single physical connection to the network (an Ethernet adapter card), but could have logical
connections to several other devices on the network.
LPD LPD stand for Line Printer Daemon; it is the part that receives and processes the
request. A “daemon” is a server or agent.
MAC Address Media Access Control. Ethernet address that corresponds to the assigned IP
name server A workstation on a TCP/IP network that provides a list of all workstations on
the network.
node A device connected to a network, such as a computer or print server.