80 Chapter 7—Solo, Monitors & Meters
01V—Owner’s Manual
Solo Setup
The Solo function, available on input channels 1 through 24 and the effects returns, is
used to monitor channels individually. Two solo modes are available: Recording Solo
and Mixdown Solo. These and configured using the SOLO SETUP parameters on
SETUP page 2. Solo has priority over the sources selected using the MONITOR SETUP
parameters. Channel signals can be soloed pre-fader (PFL) or post-fader (AFL). When
input channels 1 through 12 are paired (“Pairing Input Channels” on page 52), their
[SOLO] buttons continue to work independently.
1. Use the [SETUP] button to locate SETUP page 2 shown below.
2. Use the cursor buttons to select the MONITOR SETUP parameters, and
the PARAMETER wheel, [–1/DEC] and [+1/INC] buttons, and [ENTER] but-
ton to set them.
SOLO—This switch is used to enable and disable the Solo function. When set to DIS-
ABLE, signals are not soloed, the [SOLO] indicator on the soloed channel lights up
instead of flashing, and the SOLO status indicator does not light up.
SOLO MODE—These switches are used to select the Solo mode: Recording Solo or
Mixdown Solo.
In Recording Solo mode, Soloed channel signals are fed to the Monitor bus and then
output to the monitor out and phones. No other outputs are affected. Input channels
that are turned off can also be soloed. If LISTEN is set to AFL, off channels are moni-
tored PFL. This mode is typically used to monitor individual input signals in recording
and sound reinforcement applications, and is useful for checking whether signals are
clipping, or making EQ adjustments in isolation.
In Mixdown Solo mode, Soloed channels signals are fed to the Stereo bus and then out-
put to the stereo output, monitor out, and phones. Non-soloed channels are muted.
Only channels that are routed to the Stereo bus cab be soloed. For the purpose of solo-
ing, channels that are turned off are turned on when soloed. This mode is typically used
when adjusting individual channels during mixdown.
SEL MODE—These switches set the Solo Select mode. In LAST SOLO mode, only one
channels can be soloed at a time. In MIX SOLO mode, however, several channels can
be soloed simultaneously.
LISTEN—This switches set the solo signal source to pre-fader (PFL) or post-fader
(AFL). It affects input channels 1 through 24 and the effects returns. This switch is not
effective in Mixdown Solo mode because the monitor out and phones signals are
sourced from the Stereo bus. In this mode, the MONITOR SETUP LISTEN switch can
be used to select either PFL or AFL.
SOLO TRIM—This parameter is used to adjust the level of the solo signal from –60 dB
to +6 dB.