166 Chapter 13—Dynamics Processors
01V—Owner’s Manual
Editing the Dynamics Processors
Dynamics processors are edited on the DYNAMICS page 1, as shown below.
1. Use the [DYNAMICS] button to locate DYNAMICS page 1, as shown
2. Use [SEL] buttons 1 through 16 and MASTER to select channels.
3. Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, and the PARAMETER
wheel or [–1/DEC] and [+1/INC] buttons to set them.
TYPE—This is the name of the type of dynamics processor currently selected: COMP,
ON/OFF—This switch is used to turn on or off the dynamics processors. While
DYNAMICS page 1 is displayed, the [ENTER] button turns the dynamics processor on
or off regardless of the cursor position.
KEY IN—This parameter is used to select the trigger source for the dynamics proces-
sors, and can be set to SELF (i.e., the signal being processed is used as the trigger signal)
or triggered by a signal from another input channel from CH1 through CH16.
CURVE—This window shows the curve of the dynamics processor, pro-
viding a visual indication of how it’s set. The horizontal axis corresponds
to the input signal and the vertical axis corresponds to the output signal.
A straight line at 45 degrees from the bottom left corner indicates that the
input signal will pass through the dynamics processor unaffected. This
can be seen when, for example, a compressor is set with a compression
ratio of 1:1.
PARAMETER—These controls are used to adjust the dynamics processor’s parameters.
The number and type of parameters available depends on the type of dynamics proces-
sor selected.
Meters—The GR meter indicates the amount of gain reduction being applied to the
selected channel. Next to this are level meters for the selected channel and its neighbor.
The GR meter works from top to bottom. For the COMP, DUCKING, EXPAND, and
COMPANDER types, the GR meter displays the amount of gain reduction. For the
GATE type, the processor is active when the input signal is below the threshold, so the
GR meter displays the amount of gain reduction when the input signal is below the
threshold, and when there is no input signal.
The dynamics processors parameters are explained in detail on page 167.