After positioning, if auto-log function is activated, WBT-200 begins
to auto-log the following way.
Maximum data up to 25360 Points (or more than).
Recording in a circular way.
Auto-logging goes on without the need of any device.
Log-data can be read out using the G-Tool software included.
Data can be read out thru USB or Bluetooth.
Data includes latitude, longitude, altitude and time in year-
After successful positioning, it wills automatically auto-log GPS
data into its internal memory chip. It recorded in a rotational
order. The earliest (oldest) data will replaced by the latest
(newest) one when memory space is full (when data excesses
25360 maximum).
Auto-log will continue even the Bluetooth is switched off.
When auto-log function is disable. Its power will be off after 10
minutes while the Bluetooth is switched off. It will not shut down
while auto-log function is activated.