Part 4 Quick user guide
Package :WBT-200(bluetooth GPS with logger)+USB cable+
sticker +car cigarette lighter power adapter , installation Disk,
Quick use guide.
WBT-200 Operation:
Temporarily press power button to turn it on. The bluetooth and
GPS status LED will glow to confirm it is in GPS mode.
GPS LED glows green to show GPS acquisition is done (1 Hz).
But if this LED is solid on, the GPS acquisition fails.
Temporarily press on power button. Bluetooth will turn off after
bluetooth LED goes off. Another press on power button can turn
bluetooth on after its LED glows again.
After power on, press and hold power button to turn the power
If Power LED (glows red) starts to blink, the power is low and
needs recharging. Power LED (glows red) stays solid while
charging .It snuff out red LED after it is fully charged.
When the USB is used as interface:
USB driver must be installed first.
After connection to USB port of computer, place the WBT-200 at
suitable area where it can best receive GPS signal for
Power it (or switch its power on).
WBT-200 will start acquisition.
When the bluetooth is used as interface:
Ahead of bluetooth connection, make sure the target device to
pair can support bluetooth SPP master.
After pairing with WBT-200, place it at suitable area where it