8. Turn the indicatedAdjustmentKnob (9) counterclock-
wiseand remove it. Insert the Seat Post (5) into the
Frame (1), Alignone of the adjustmentholesin the
Seat Postwith the indicatedholein the Frame. Insert
the Adjustment Knob intothe Frame and the Seat Post,
and turnthe Knob clockwiseuntil itistight.Make sure
that the Knob is inserted through one of the
adjustment holes in the Seat Post.
9. Identifythe Left Pedal (24). which is marked with an
"L." Using an adjustablewrench, firmly tighten the
Left Pedal counterclockwiseintothe left arm ofthe
Crank (21). Tightenthe Right Pedal (not shown)clock-
wise intothe right arm ofthe Crank. Important:
Tighten both Pedals as firmly as possible. After
using the exercise cycle for one weak. retlghten the
Pedals. For best performance, the Pedals must be
kept tightened.
5-_/ -Adjustment
/ / Hcies
10. Make sure that all parts are properly tightened before you use the exercise cycle. Note:Alter assemblyis
completed,some extra partsmay be leftover.Place a mat beneath the exercise cycleto protectthe floor.