To maintain or improveyourcondition,planthree work-
outs each week, with at least one day of restbetween
workouts.After a few months of regularexemise, you
may completeup tofive workoutseach week, if
desired. Remember, the key to successis make exer-
cisea regularand enjoyablepartof youreveryday life.
The correctform for several basic stretches isshown at the right.
Move slowlyas you stretch---never bounce.
1, Toe Touch Stretch
Stand with yourknees bent slightlyand slowlybend forward from
your hips.Allowyour back and shoulderstorelax as you reach
down towardyourtoes as far as possible. Holdfor 15 counts,
then relax. Repeat 3 times. Stretches: Hamstrings,back ofknees
and back.
2. Hamstring Stretch
Sit withone leg extended. Bringthe sole ofthe oppositefoot
towardyou and rest it againstthe inner thighof yourextended
leg. Reach toward yourtoes as far as possible.Hold for 15
counts,then relax. Repeat 3 times for each leg. Stretches:
Hamstrings,lowerback and groin.
3. Calf/Achilles Stretch
With one leg in frontof the other, reach forward and place your
handsagainst a wall. Keep yourback leg straightand your back
foot fiat on the floor.Bend yourfront leg, lean forward and move
yourhipstowardthe wall. Hold for 15 counts, then relax. Repeat
3 times for each leg. Tocause further stretchingof the achilles
tendons,bend yourback leg as well. Stretches: Calves, achilles
tendonsand ankles.
4, Quadriceps Stretch
With one hand againsta wall for balance, reach back and grasp
one foot with yourother hand. Bringyour heel as close to your
buttocksas possible. Hold for 15 counts, then relax. Repeat 3
timesfor each leg. Stretches: Quadricepsand hipmuscles.
5, Inner Thigh Stretch
Sit with the soles of yourfeet togetherand your kneesoutward.
Pullyourfeet towardyour groinarea as far as possible.Hold for
15 counts,then relax. Repeat 3 times. Stretches: Quadricepsand