
iPump 6420 User’s Manual
www.wegener.com 800070-01 Rev B Chapter 1, Page 3
1.2. iPump 6420 Overview
The WEGENER iPump 6420 is an integrated, digital satellite receiver, decoder, and audio
server designed to provide the most cost effective method of delivering and storing content for
radio network operations. In tandem with WEGENER Compel/MediaPlan, the iPump 6420 is a
key part of the WEGENER Digital Media Delivery System, which combines secure MPEG and
IP digital transmission with media management and server storage, to provide the most modern
Store/Forward solution now possible in the radio network market.
1.2.1. Basic Store/Forward Mission
A technological goal in current satellite-based radio network design is to concentrate more
control at a central management point, while retaining and expanding the “local” feel.
WEGENER is a leader in moving its radio network customers toward this goal.
A “linear” satellite network is one where all media content, aggregated at the central uplink,
is instantaneously delivered at the edge receivers. To deliver a greater variety of content, more
channels, using more bandwidth, was needed. Localization, the origination of unique material
from each of many local affiliates, was only possible with some cooperation between the central
managing authority and the local operators. The central network could deliver closure or DTMF
pulses in the satellite control or media streams, signaling “avails” to the local affiliates. At those
avail points, the local affiliates could use their own ad insertion equipment to switch in local
programming with minimal conflict.
The WEGENER Store/Forward (S/F) solution for satellite-based radio networks provides
localization by borrowing and storing bandwidth ahead of its use. Media content is delivered in
spare bandwidth, not needed for the linear network “mission”, to the edge receivers. This
content may be unique for each of the edge receivers, where it is stored for later and repeated
use. Then, using the indirection of “playlists”, the central control system can signal for the local
content to be inserted in the programming stream at the proper “avail” points.
WEGENER’s S/F solution for radio networks uses the WEGENER COMPEL/MediaPlan
control system in tandem with WEGENER iPump6420 Audio Servers. This equipment, along
with other components, is shown in a typical radio network application in Figure 1-1. This
figure shows the three key components of the application: 1) The real-time linear media
streaming sub-system, 2) the non-real-time portion of the S/F sub-system, and 3) the real-time
portion of the S/F sub-system. Each of these may now be introduced.
The real-time linear media streaming sub-system accepts the aggregated audio feeds from
the customer traffic systems and compresses them in an array of MPEG audio encoders. These
are then multiplexed together into an MPEG Transport stream. That Transport is then passed
through the WEGENER UMX5010, where the network (Compel) control stream is injected. The
resulting Transport is fed to the RF system where the information is impressed on a DVB carrier,
and then uplinked to the satellite. From there it is distributed to the satellite downlinks and
thence to the edge iPump6420s, who are tuned to the proper carrier, Program, and audio stream,
to deliver the desired live audio feed. The Compel network control system can support this
portion of the overall mission by tuning the edge receivers (which may be i6420s, or other linear
receivers, such as WEGENER Unity4600), setting their audio stream assignments, sending the
RBDS data traffic, ordering local relay closures, and supporting the logical grouping of the edge