
iPump 6420 User’s Manual
www.wegener.com 800070-01 Rev B Appendix 1, Page 109
Terminal Command Listing
Note, this list in process of cleanup.
Complete Listing of Available Diagterm Commands:
Command - dec 1 audiosamplerate: Sets the output audio sample rate for the decoder
Command - dec 2 audiosamplerate: Sets the output audio sample rate for the decoder
Command - dec 3 audiosamplerate: Sets the output audio sample rate for the decoder
Command - errors: type threshold - Set alarm threshold
type: 'E' for Errored Seconds or 'C' for Continuity Errors
(C is not supported in this release)
threshold: Threshold when to decalre an alarm
Command - HTTP PROXY addr: proxy_ip_addr Sets/displays the HTTP Proxy Address
Command - HTTP PROXY enabled: 0|1 Disables/Enables the use of the HTTP proxy info
Command - HTTP PROXY port: proxy_port Sets/displays the HTTP proxy port
Command - ifconfig: Displays the current ethernet device(s) configuration
Command - ipconfig: Displays the current ethernet device(s) configuration
Command - lan gateway: Sets the network gateway for the LAN interface
Command - lan ip: Set the unit's static LAN IP Address
Command - lan mode: Sets the LAN addressing mode. DHCP, STATIC
Command - lan setup: [ip] [subnet] Sets up IP address and subnet mask for the LAN port
Command - lan subnet: Sets the unit's static LAN Subnet Mask
Command - localtimezone: Set or display the local timezone.
To set: Parameter must be a path to an exisitng binary
zoneinfo timezone relative to the zoneinfo top-level directory.
Command - margin: margin_offset - Set SNR margin offset
Usage: MARGIN margin_offset
margin_offset Range: 1.0 - 10.5 dB
Command - MODEM passwd: passwd Sets the PPP password
Command - MODEM phone: number Sets the dialout phone number
Command - MODEM prefix: string Sets the dialout phone number prefix
Command - MODEM user: name Sets the PPP user name
Command - net dhcpupdate: Tell devices in DHCP mode to poll for DHCP connection
Command - net dns: [primary] [secondary] Sets the primary or secondary dns servers
Command - net forcedns: Force specified dns servers to take precedence over dhcp dns
Command - OAR report: Status of Current Active Recording
Command - port: [number]> Select RBDS port
RBDS Command:
Select RBDS DB9 connector
sets DataRate {Databits,Parity,Stopbits}.