www.wegener.com 37 800032-01 Rev.F
LOADNV source
source: B for Backup (by user), C for Original Customer-configuration, or P for Production-default
settings. Key security parameters (e.g., serial number) are not affected by the C or P loads.
Command reloads NVRAM memory from Flash memory defaults.
Note: The unit must reset after execution of this command.
MARGIN margin_offset
margin_offset: Integer values between 0 and N in the form of x.x, representing dB (to tenths of a dB). N
is defined by individual IRD specifications for every modulation/FEC combination.
Command sets the Margin Warning point. This provides warning to local users that their Eb/No’s are
approaching the error-threshold where system performance will collapse. (Supersedes SNR command.)
A Local Control Command (available from the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable"
commands from the network).
MOVEP source destination
source: Preset Table entry number which will source Unit settings.
destination: Preset Table entry number to which the Unit settings will be moved.
Command moves the Unit settings at the source entry to the destination entry. The setting data at the
original source entry is deleted and that entry position is now considered unused. The setting data at the
original destination entry is then moved to the next lower unused Preset position. (One will always be
available because the entry that held the original source settings was made “unused”.)
MUTE [source][source][source] [...]
source: Source can be any of the following:
ASI - to indicate the DVB-ASI transport output.
V - to indicate Video.
A[specifier] - to indicate Audio.
An A without the specifier indicates all audio outputs.
If present, The specifier consists of one or two characters. The first character specifies the
audio port number and the second character specifies either the right or left channel, as in
A1L (audio 1, left channel) or A2R (audio 2, right channel).
If the second character is omitted, this indicates both stereo channels are included.
Example: MUTE V A1L A4 A3R mutes the video, audio Port 1 left channel, audio port 4 (both channels),
and audio port 3 right channel
Note: If no source is specified then video and all audios are selected.
Mutes the specified outputs.
Note: The MUTE command is only allowed when local control is enabled by the network..
On hook. Disables modem access. Modem access is only re-enabled by successful modem password
entry. A Local Control Command (available from the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/
Disable" commands from the network).
Table 3.3: Command Directory for U4600 Terminal Commands