www.wegener.com 19 800032-01 Rev. F
Device Handling Terminal I/O
The Terminal option is used for command and control of the U4600. The Terminal option
provides a basic VT100-like terminal emulation. All I/O is prompted by user-input text
strings terminated in carriage-returns. The Terminal, whether local or remote (via modem
or telnet over TCP/IP), should be set to Local Echo On. The unit only echoes a carriage-
return/linefeed and then a ‘>’ prompt after user entry.
Modem I/O
The Modem option operates in a similar manner to the Terminal option. Where the Termi-
nal option is limited to one specific configuration, the Modem option may be set to one of
several. The Modem option does not use special handshaking or special control charac-
ters, and only supports auto-answer modems.
To access the Modem command interface, the serial-port device must first be set to
Modem. The "Terminal/IO" discussion above on emulation and echoing would then apply.
When a user sends the U4600 unit a carriage return, it returns a prompt to "Enter modem
password". Modem access is enabled if the correct password is entered. The U4600 out-
puts a welcome banner when modem access is enabled. After that, Modem I/O is indistin-
guishable from normal terminal access, and has the same restrictions on local user
access that the Network has set for Terminal I/O.
Modem access is disabled when one of the following occurs:
1. A new input serial-port device is selected.
2. When no user input occurs for 10 minutes.
3. The OH command is received, or
4. The unit is reset.
Aux Data
The Aux Data option is defined to allow for async data streams to be carried within the
transport stream and their raw payload output on an IRD serial port. The PID of these
streams may or may not be assigned to a program number within a PMT. To recover the
data, the IRD need only be given the PID and baud rate. The range of legal PIDs is estab-
lished by ISO 13818 standard as 20 to 1ffe (hex). This may be performed either by COM-
command or by the local user (if local control is enabled).
This option is defined to allow for input of the COMPEL control stream (for testing only).
There is no output.
Printer Ouput
The Printer is an output-only option. There are three legal types of output for the Printer
option: COMPEL-Requested Reports, COMPEL E-mail, and Raw COMPEL (binary)
1. COMPEL-Requested Reports are IRD status reports identical to those that the
local user may request. These are always available for the Printer option.
2. COMPEL E-mail output type must be enabled by a non-volatile control.