
1.2.2 ANALOG INPUT MODULES: Two optically-isolated analog input
modules are available for the SYSTEM 32. A 16 channel reed relay
switching module and a 32 channel solid state switching module. The reed
relay module provides the highest level of input noise protection and the
solid state module is more economical. The two types of input modules can
be mixed in a single controller. Allowing up to 48 channels of reed relay
inputs, 96 channels of solid state inputs , or any combination such as 32
reed relay inputs with 32 solid state inputs. Both modules offer direct
connection of industrial sensors including thermocouples, RTD's, infrared
sensors, milliamp, and millivolt signals.
1.2.3 PULSE INPUT MODULE: Allows measurement of speed, RPM,
flow, and other inputs from sensor that produce pulse outputs. Each module
accepts up to 32 inputs and optical- isolation can be optionally added where
necessary. The pulse input module requires an expanded PROCESSOR I/O
MODULE, please contact ANAFAZE for additional information.
1.2.4 ANALOG OUTPUT MODULE: Provides 16 analog outputs for
open or closed loop control. Both 4 to 20ma and 0 to 5vdc are available for
each output [select one].
1.2.5 HOUSING: provides fully enclosed mounting for all modules and
includes a passive [no electrical components] interconnecting backplane. A
3 and 6 slot housing is offered. The 6 slot housing can be mounted in
standard relay racks. The six slot housing is 19" wide, 12.25" high, and
only 7.5" deep. The 3 slot housing is 10 5/8" wide, 12.25" high, and 7.5"
1.2.6 POWER SUPPLY: All the SYSTEM 32 modules operate from this
5vdc power supply. The power supply is furnished mounted to a standard
module front panel and occupies one slot in the housing. If desired the
power supply can be removed from the panel and externally mounted. This
frees the slot for an other module. The power supply connects to terminals
on the passive backplane.
Whether the process is simple or complex it must be defined and set up in order to
control it. Therefor, another essential element of a successful measurement and
control system is the application software. ANASOFT 32 is sophisticated menu
driven software program for the SYSTEM 32 that runs on IBM PC and compatible
computers. It is designed to be easily operated by inexperienced computer users
and it offers full flexibility for complex applications.
1.3.1 GRAPHIC PROCESS DISPLAYS: ANASOFT features a process
monitor screen that provides an overview of the system status at a glance.
Measured data can be displayed in either a graphic or numeric mode. On