
These four items must work together to operate the SYSTEM 32:
The computer including the RS-232 or other serial interface
The communications link
The computer software
If the system does not work on initial start up check the SYSTEM 32 indicator
lights, the computer, and the serial link.
11.1 Computer Problems
The computer can be checked by running standard programs that use the display
and the printer. The serial interface must be functioning. This is harder to test
since most programs do not utilize the serial interface. Check any computer
problems with the computer supplier.
11.2 Computer Software
This can be divided into: ANASOFT-32 and user written software:
11.2.1 User Written Software
For user written software a simple routine that sends and receives a
command from the SYSTEM 32 should be written and tested initially. The
ideal routine sends and receives commands displaying both sets on the
computer monitor. Since the protocol includes all characters, the display
should show the hex numbers of the characters sent in both directions.
Once successful communications is established, this program can be used as
a check if problems arise in the operating software.
11.2.1 ANASOFT-32
ANASOFT-32 is a complete menu driven software program which includes
error detection and diagnostic messages. If ANASOFT-32 will not run at all
please see the ANASOFT-32 manual for detailed information. The
following can be checked:
1. Correct path for files -- run QINSTALL and check the disk drive and
path for the data files.
2. All files present -- check that all necessary files are present and on the
specified directory.
3 Sufficient memory free -- ANAFAZE-32 requires 512K memory free to
run. You can use the DOS command CHKDSK to view the free
memory. If there is insufficient memory check step 4.
3. Delete any memory resident programs -- check the AUTOEXEC.BAT to
insure no memory resident programs are automatically run on start-up.
Some memory resident programs may interfere with ANASOFT-32.
If ANASOFT-32 runs then the next step is to establish communications
with the SYSTEM 32. When ANASOFT-32 is started the program asks for