F35453 (July 2008)Page 57 of 68
a. Delime relay (K2) remains powered. LED 15 remains lit from pressing delime switch (2S).
b. Power to heating circuit, power light (3LT) (amber) and WLC thru K4-5/3 closed contacts
a) Steam generator fills and operates as outlined in steps 2A thru 7B under Initial Fill and
Pre-heat with this exception. After pressure switch (1PAS) is satisfied, LED 4 will remain
off and regulating contactor 2 (3CON) will remain de-energized. LED 3 and regulating
contactor 1 (2CON) will cycle on/off as necessary to maintain steam generator pressure.
3. After 60 minutes, time expires on delime 2 (TDR).
A. LED 15 and LED 14 off. Delime relays (K2) and (K4) are de-energized and contacts return to normal
1) Power light (3LT) (amber) off.
4. With power removed from delime 1 (TDR) input trigger (K2-6/4 contacts open), delime 1 (TDR) remains
powered thru K7-5/3 N.O. contacts to hold delime relay (K7) energized for a delay on dropout (120VAC
output from load terminal remains on). Allows heat exchanger to drain (delime valve energized) along with
steam generator during the 3 minute (default) drain cycle time.
5. Steamer enters 3 minute drain cycle. Drain cycle operates as outlined in steps 3 thru 8. B. under Turning
Steamer Off. Continue with sequence for remainder of delime cycle operation
A. With drain (TDR) energized (LED 9 lit) (120VAC output from load terminal); and delime 1 (TDR)
powered (LED 13 lit) and receiving voltage to input trigger terminal; and delime valve end switch
contacts closed.
1) Drain relay (K5) is energized thru delime valve end switch closed contacts (N.O.).
a. K5-6/4 contacts close and delime light (4LT) is lit.
b. LED 11 lit. K5-5/3 latching circuit contacts close.
6. After 3 minutes, time expires on drain (TDR) and the drain cycle ends. 120VAC removed from drain TDR load
A. LED 10 off. Drain relay (K3) de-energized. K3 contacts return to normal conditions. Power removed from
B. Power removed from drain transformer (2T). Drain valve de-energized and valve closes.
1) LED 11 off. Delime relay (K5) de-energized. Latching circuit contacts K5-5/3 return to open
condition. Contacts K5-6/4 return to open condition.
a. Power removed from delime 1 (TDR) input trigger.
b. Delime light (4LT) off.
7. Drain water temperature below 120°F. Condensate thermostat (1TAS) contacts return to open condition.
Drain cooling solenoid (1SOL) de-energized.
8. Time expires on delime 1 (TDR).
A. Delime transformer (3T) is de-energized. Delime valve closes and delime valve end switch contacts
return to open condition.
B. Delime relay (K7) de-energized. Contacts K7-5/3 and K7-5/1 return to normal condition.
9. LED's 1, 9, 12 and 13 lit. Draining complete and steamer is off.
Cancel Deliming
1. Press delime switch (2S) to CANCEL position (off).
A. If delime valve has not opened, the steamer is ready to use (approx. 10 second delay while valve motor
capacitor charges). Allows an unintended delime cycle to be canceled.
B. If delime valve has opened, the steamer will go thru a drain cycle before it can be turned on.
1) LED 16 lit. Delime relay (K6) energized. K6-5/1 N.C contacts open.
a. Delime relay (K4) de-energized.
a) LED 9 lit. K4-6/2 return to N.C condition and drain (TDR) energized.
b) Drain circuit powered. Steam generator drains and shuts off as outlined under Turning
Steamer Off.