F35453 (July 2008)Page 53 of 68
K. Pressure switch (1PAS) closed.
L. Drain valve closed and steam generator is empty.
M. Delime valve closed and heat exchanger empty.
1) Delime valve end switch N.O. contacts are open.
N. Water level control (WLC) and steam generator properly grounded.
2. Power switch turned on (1S).
A. LED 13 off. Power removed from delime 1 (TDR) on control board.
B. LED 9 off. Power removed from drain (TDR) on control board.
C. X1 potential thru steam generator high limit (2TAS) and heat exchanger high limit (3TAS).
1) Power light (3LT) (amber) on control panel lit.
2) X1 potential to L1 of water level control (WLC) thru K3-1/5 drain relay N.C. contacts.
a. 120VAC across L1 and L2 of WLC.
b. HL LED lit. High level relay coil (HL) on WLC energized.
3) Fast fill/flush solenoid (3SOL) energized thru WLC (LLCO) N.C. contacts. Steam generator begins
fast fill.
3. Water level reaches Low Level Cut-Off (LLCO) probe.
A. LLCO LED lit. Low level coil relay (LLCO) on WLC energized.
B. LLCO N.C. contacts open. Fast fill/flush solenoid (3SOL) de-energized.
C. WLC (LLCO) N.O. contacts close. X1 potential thru WLC (LLCO) closed contacts and K3-6/2 N.C. drain
relay contacts.
1) Slow fill solenoid (4SOL) energized thru pressure switch (1PAS) N.C contacts and WLC (HL) closed
contacts. Steam generator changes to slow fill.
2) LED 2 lit. Limiting contactor (1CON) energized.
3) LED 4 lit. Regulating contactor 2 (3CON) energized thru K1-5/1 N.C. contacts.
4) Heat exchanger relay (K12) energized.
a. K12-5/3 N.O. contacts close.
5) LED 3 lit. Regulating contactor 1 (2CON) energized.
D. Power to heating elements. Steam generator heating begins.
4. Water level reaches low level (L) probe.
A. No action as internal latching relay ILR-1 contacts on WLC are open.
5. Water level reaches high level (H) probe.
A. Internal latching relay coil (ILR) on WLC energized and locked thru the low level probe (L) and ILR-1
closed contacts.
B. HL LED off. High level (HL) coil de-energized by ILR-2 contacts opening on WLC.
1) WLC (HL) contacts open. Slow fill solenoid (4SOL) de-energized.
6. Pressure switch (2PAS) operates (approx. 4" W.C.) and N.C. contacts open.
A. LED 12 off. Vacuum relief solenoid (5SOL) de-energized. Solenoid valve must close to allow steam
generator to fully pressurize.
7. Steam generator up to pressure (approx. 4 psi).
A. Pressure switch (1PAS) operates and N.C. contacts open.
1) LED 5 lit. Relay (K1) energized.
a. K1-5/3 N.O. contacts close. X1 potential thru K1-5/3 contacts and K2-5/1 N.C. contacts to
cooking compartment controls.