OSD Settings Page Functionality continued
Setting Description
Firmware Upgrade Whenthissettingisselected,ascreenappearsthatdisplaystheKVM’s
download. Press [Y] and [Enter] tobeginthermwareupgradeprocess,or
[N] and [Enter] toexitandreturntothepreviousscreen.Youcanalsopress
the [Esc] keytoexitandreturntothepreviousscreen.(Seepage22for
Port OS This function allows you to enter in the operating system of the computer
connected to each port. It allows users to use special Sun, Mac or other
that lists each port and the OS which is currently assigned to it. Once the
desired port is highlighted, you can change its OS setting by double-clicking
on the OS with the mouse or by pressing the [Spacebar] to toggle between
computer is set at PC by default.
MouseEmulation Enables/Disablestheemulationfunctionoftheconsolemouseport.The
default setting is ON. If you disable this function, you will not be able
Mouse Switching
This setting allows you to turn the Mouse Switching FunctionOn/Off.(See
page 10 for Mouse Switching Functiondetails.)Whenaccessed,ahighlight
bar will appear at the bottom of the OSD Settings Page. Press [Y] and
[Enter] to turn the Mouse Switching FunctionOn;or,[N] and [Enter] to
turn it Off. It is turned OFF by default.
OSD Language This setting allows you to choose which language the OSD is displayed
in. When accessed, a sub-menu appears, allowing you to choose between
English, Japanese and German. Simply highlight the desired language and
press the [Enter] key or double-click on it with the mouse. The language is
set to English by default.
Set Username and
ThissettingallowsyoutocustomizetheUsername and Password for the
Administrators have access to all features and settings, whereas users can
only access the connected computers, and not the F6 Settings Page.
When accessed, a sub-menu appears listing an administrator and four users.
To edit a Username and Password, select the desired account and press
the [Enter] key or double-click on it with the mouse. Another sub-menu
appears, allowing you to enter in a new Username and Password. You are
asked to enter in the password twice to ensure it is entered correctly. After
entering the password for the second time, press the [Enter] key to save
your changes.
Note: Usernames and Passwords can contain a maximum of 15 characters
(0-9, a-z, A-Z).
The default administrator Username is Administrator, and the default Pass-
word is Password. For security purposes, it is strongly recommended that
you change these to something unique.
Set Logout Timeout This setting allows you to set the amount of idle time that must pass before
password to regain access. When accessed, a highlight bar appears at the
bottom of the OSD Settings Page, in which you can enter a value between
0 and 180 minutes. This setting defaults at 0, which disables the Logout
Timeout function.