Setting Description
Port Display Duration Select this setting to change the amount of time the OSD menu is displayed
after switching functionalities between ports via push-button. A highlight
bar will appear at the bottom of the OSD Settings Page, allowing you to
enter a Port Display Duration between 0 and 255 seconds. The default is 3
seconds. A setting of 0 disables this function.
Scan Duration Select this setting to change the amount of time spent on each port during
an Auto Scan. A highlight bar will appear at the bottom of the OSD Settings
Page, allowing you to enter a Scan Duration between 0 and 255 seconds.
The default is 3 seconds. A setting of 0 disables the Auto Scan function.
Screen Blanker
Select this setting to turn the Screen BlankerfunctionOn/Off,andto
determine whether a password is needed to regain access after the screen is
blanked.Asub-menuwillappearwiththreeoptions;Set Timeout, Screen
Blanker Password, and Screen Lock. When the Set Timeouteldissetto
Off, you will not be able to access the other two settings.
Set Timeout: To turn on the screen blanker function, select this setting and
enter in a value between 0 and 30 minutes. The default is 0, which disables
the Screen Blanker function.
Blanker Password: When the Screen Lock setting is On, a password will be
key if this setting has never been changed before. You will then be asked to
enter the new password twice.
Screen Lock: This setting determines whether a password is required to
accesstheKVMafterascreenblank.Choose[Y] and [Enter] to turn it on
and require a password, or [N] and [Enter] to turn it off. It is turned off by
Hotkey Command
This setting allows you to enable or disable hotkey functionality. When
turned Off, you will not be able to access Hotkey Setting Mode to control the
Settings Page. Press [Y] and [Enter] to turn the hotkey functionality on, or
[N] and [Enter] to turn it Off. It is enabled by default.
Restore Default
(Seepage25forFactory Default Settings.)Portnames,usernamesand
passwords are not affected by this function. When accessed, a highlight bar
will appear at the bottom of the OSD Settings Page. Press [Y] and [Enter]
to restore default settings, or [N] and [Enter] toexitwithoutrestoring
default settings. You can also press the [Esc]keytoexitthisfunction
without restoring default settings.
Clear the Name List This function is used to clear out all of the port names. When accessed, a
highlight bar will appear at the bottom of the OSD Settings Page. Press [Y]
and [Enter] to clear all of the port names, or [N] and [Enter] toexitwithout
clearing. You can also press the [Esc]keytoexitthisfunctionwithoutclear-
ing the port names.
Activate Beeper This function controls a beeper sound that can be heard when a port is
changed, Auto Scan is accessed or an invalid entry is made in the OSD.
When accessed, a highlight bar will appear at the bottom of the OSD
Settings Page. Press [Y] and [Enter]toturnthebeeperfunctionon;or, [N]
and [Enter] to turn it off. It is turned on by default.
OSD Settings Page Functionality continued