★ Off
Freeze output frequency
Stop with auto restart
(STOP) [2]
Output frequency = JOG freq.
Output frequency = Max. freq.
Stop with trip
Control without DeviceNet
Select set-up 4
The time out timer is triggered at the first
reception of a valid control word, i.e.,
bit 10 = ok.
The time out function can be activated in two
different ways:
1. The drive does not receive a
LonWorks command addressed to it
within the specified time.
2. Parameter 805 is set to “bit 10 = 0
time out” and a control word with “bit
10 = 0” is sent to the drive.
The TR1 remains in the time out state until
one of the following four conditions is true:
1. A valid control word (Bit 10 = ok) is
received and the drive is reset through
the bus, the digital input terminals or
the local control panel. (Reset is only
necessary when the time out function
Stop w/trip is selected.) Control via
LonWorks is resumed using the
received control word.
2. Local control via the local control
panel is enabled.
3. Parameter 928, Access to process
control, is set to Disabled.
Normal control via the digital input
terminals and the RS-485 interface is
now enabled.
4. Parameter 804, Bus time out function,
is set to Off.
Control via LonWorks is resumed and
the most recent control word is used.
Description of Selections:
• Freeze output frequency. Maintain
present output frequency until
communication is resumed.
• Stop with auto restart. Stop and
automatically restart when
communication is resumed.
• Output frequency = JOG freq. Drive
will produce JOG frequency set in
parameter 209, Jog frequency, until
communication is resumed.
• Output frequency = Max. freq. Drive
will produce maximum output
frequency (set in parameter 202,
Output frequency) until
communication is resumed.
• Stop with trip. Drive stops and requires
a reset command before it will restart.
• Control without LonWorks. Control via
LonWorks is disabled. Control is
possible via digital input terminals and/
or standard RS-485 interface until
LonWorks communication is resumed.
• Select setup 4. Setup 4 is selected in
parameter 002, Active setup, and
settings of setup 4 are used.
Parameter 002 is not reset to the
original value when communication is
✭ Indicates factory default setting. Numbers in brackets [ ] represent selection as displayed on the serial bus.