Min send time
Sets the minimum period between
transmissions for all output network variables,
using the network variable nciMinSendT. This
function is used to keep the transmission of
variables that change continuously from
dominating the network communication.
Max receive time
This drive function is replaced by the value set
in parameter 803, Bus Time Out. The
LonWorks option will initiate bus time out
activities when the time set in parameter 803
expires without receiving an input network
variable directed to the drive. This acts like a
LonWorks receive heartbeat. The action taken
by the drive is determined by the setting
selected in parameter 804, Bus time out
function. See the parameter description section
of this manual. The value of nciMaxReceiveT
has no effect on the operation of the drive.
Max send time
This function sets the maximum time between
transmissions for the network variables Drive
Output 1 and 3 using the configuration network
variable nciMaxSendT. It can be used by the
controller to monitor the drive and controller
connection. It acts like a LonWorks send
Heartbeat timer
Normally, a LonWorks device only sends
information to the network when a value
changes. However, if nothing changes the rest
of the network doesn’t know if the drive
stopped functioning or if the drive simply had
nothing to report. With nciSndHrtBt, the drive
will transmit as often as a pre-set time interval,
even if values didn’t change. In this way, the
network knows that the drive is still connected
and functioning.
Both nciSndHrtBt and nciMaxSendT provide
this capability but to different variables, as
shown in the table above.
Network Timer Functions
send time
SNVT_elapsed_tm nciMin-SendT 1 min
5 sec
535 msec
0 sec 5.0 sec
receive time
SNVT_elapsed_tm nciMax-ReceiveT 18 hours
12 min
15 sec
1.0 sec 0 sec (Off)
send time
SNVT_elapsed_tm nciMax-SendT
1 min
5 sec
0 sec 0 sec (Off)
SNVT_time_sec nciSndHrtBt
6553.5 sec 1.0 sec 0 sec (Off)