
GHND-SVX01A-EN • High Efficiency Propeller Fan Gas Unit Heater 53
Gas Equipment Start-Up
BLOWER (with power on and gas off)
Check voltage L1 _____ L2 _____ L3 _____
Check rotation of main blower.
Check motor amps L1 _____ L2 _____ L3 _____
Blower RPM _____________
Check air filters. (Record quantity & size.)
GAS HEATING (with power and gas on)
Inlet gas pressure. ____ in. W.C. or ____ kPa
Pilot & main burner ignition.
Manifold gas pressure.____ in. W.C. or ____ kPa
Cycle on HIGH LIMIT.
Cycle firestat and/or freezestat.
Check electronic modulation. Set at: __________
Check mechanical modulation. Set at: ________
Cycle and check all other controls not listed.
Check operation of remote panel.
Entering air temp. _____ °F or ____ °C
Discharge air temp. (high fire) ____ °F. or ____ °C
External static pressure _________ in. W.C.
Cycle by thermostat or operating control.