
24 High Efficiency Propeller Fan Gas Unit Heater • GHND-SVX01A-EN
Venting for Power Vented Unit Heaters
Use single wall pipe constructed of 26 gauge galvanized steel or material of equivalent
durability and corrosion resistance for the vent system. For installation in Canada, use
pipe constructed from 0.025 inch thick aluminum or 0.018 inch thick stainless steel.
Equipment Damage!
Never use a pipe of a diameter other than that specified in Table 1! Never use PVC or
other nonmetallic pipe for venting! To do so may result in serious damage to the unit.
Any run of single wall vent pipe passing through an unheated space must be insulated
with and insulation suitable to 550°F.
The vent terminal must be installed with a minimum clearance of four feet (1.2m) from
electric meters, gas meters, regulators and relief equipment.
Seal ALL vent pipe joints and seams to prevent leakage. Use General Electric RTV-108 or
Dow-Corning RTV-732 silicone sealant (or equivalent); or 3M #425 aluminum foil tape
(or equivalent).
The vent system must be installed to prevent collection of condensate. Vertical vent
pipes should be equipped with condensate drains. Pitch horizontal pipes downward 1/4
in. per foot (21mm per meter) toward outlet for condensate drainage.
Horizontal portions of the venting system shall be supported at maximum intervals of
four feet (1.2m) to prevent sagging (in Canada, support at 3 feet (1m) minimum
Insulate single wall vent pipe exposed to cold air or running through unheated areas.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning!
Each unit must have an individual vent pipe and vent terminal per furnace section!
Each unit MUST NOT be connected to other vent systems or to a chimney. Failure to
follow this instruction could result in death or serious injuries.
Horizontal Venting: Units are shipped from the factory set up for vertical venting.
Figure 12. Vertical Vent Position (side view of unit heater)
Power Venter
Tee With
Drip Leg &
Cleanout Cap
To Vertical Flue
Vent Termination
Where Applicable