300Mbps Wireless N Range Extender User Guide
4.7 System Tools
System Tools option helps you to optimize the configuration of your device. SNMP can help you
to manage the device locally or remotely with specified software. The diagnostic tools (Ping and
Traceroute) allow you to check the connections of your network components. You can upgrade
the Range Extender to the latest version of firmware as well as backup or restore the Range
Extender’s configuration files. Ping Watch Dog can help to continuously monitor a particular
connection to a remote host. It’s suggested that you change the default password to a more
secure one because it controls access to the device’s web-based management page. Besides,
you can find out what happened to the system in System Log.
There are nine submenus under the System Tools menu (shown as Figure 4-27): SNMP,
Diagnostic, Ping Watch Dog, Firmware Upgrade, Factory Defaults, Backup & Restore,
Reboot, Password, and System Log. Clicking any of them will enable you to configure the
corresponding function. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided below.
Figure 4-27 The System Tools menu
4.7.1 SNMP
Selecting System Tools > SNMP to enable this function will allow the network management
station to retrieve statistics and status from the SNMP agent in this device. Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) is a popular network monitoring and management protocol, used to
refer to a collection of specifications for network management that include the protocol itself. To
use this function, select Enable and enter the following parameters in Figure 4-28.