300Mbps Wireless N Range Extender User Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Product Overview
The TL-WA830RE 300Mbps Wireless N Range Extender is dedicated to Small Office/Home Office
(SOHO) wireless network solutions. It will enlarge your existing wireless network and mobility
within your wireless network while also allowing you to connect the wireless devices to a wired
environment. Increased mobility and the absence of cabling will be beneficial for your network.
With using IEEE 802.11n wireless technology, this device can transmit wireless data at the rate of
up to 300Mbps. With multiple protection measures, including wireless LAN 64/128/152-bit WEP
encryption, Wi-Fi protected Access (WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK), the TL-WA830RE 300Mbps
Wireless N Range Extender delivers complete data privacy.
It supports an easy, web-based setup for installation and management. Even though you may not
be familiar with the Range Extender, you can easily configure it with the help of this Guide. Before
installing the Range Extender, please look through this Guide to get the full information of the
TL-WA830RE 300Mbps Wireless N Range Extender.
1.2 Main Features
Make use of IEEE 802.11n wireless technology
Provides multiple encryption security Types including: 64/128/152-bit WEP and
Supports Built-in DHCP server
Supports multiple operating modes including: Range Extender, Access Point
Supports Firmware Upgrade
Supports Remote and Web management
1.3 Appearance
1.3.1 The Front Panel
Figure 1-1
The front panel of the TL-WA830RE consists of several LED indicators, which is designed to
indicate connections. View from left to right, Table 1-1 describes as follows.
LED Explanation
Off The device has a system error
The device is initialising
The device is working properly