
The FIRSTDIGIT Table defmes the first digit and length of valid mailbox numbers.
The FIRSTDIGIT Table is generated from information entered into the USER Table, When a
mailbox number is entered, the Toshiba VP System checks to see if there are other mailbox
numbers beginning with the same first digit. If so, the number of digits for the newly entered
mailbox must be the same as the previously entered mailboxes. For example, if all mailbox
numbers heginning with ‘2” are three digits long, all additional maiIboxes beginning with “2” must
aIs0 be three digits long. In this way, the Toshiba VP System knows how many digits to expect
when the caller is entering a number.
When entering a mailbox into the USER Table, if a mailbox with that fuS digit does not exist, the
Toshiba VP System enters the new mailbox length into the FIR!ITDIGIT Table.