9-4 Confiipmtion M&
This section de&bes how to configure Distribution L&s and Extended Mailboxes.
e ‘.
DiHrlbutJOn List De&me the Distribution List pilot number as a mailbox &mber with no
extension. Choose a fti digit for the pilot mailbox that does not conflict
with the numbering scheme of future extension expansion. Enter the
pilot mailbox and all member mailboxes in the USER Table before
entering them into the DISTRIBUTION LIST Table.
A maximum of 250 Distribution Lists can be configured, with a total of
XKI mailboxes defined in all lists. For example, you can define one list
containing wx) mailboxes, 2 lists containing l250 mailboxes each, or 100
lists containing 25 mailboxes each. Each Extended Mailbox counts as one
A mailbox must exist in the USER Table or be a valid network address to
be configured in a Distribution List.
If a mailbox is a member of more
than one list, it is counted for each list it is a member of, but it is
counted only once in the USER Table.
A Distribution Iist may include other lists, as long as the lists do not, in
turn, contain Diiution Lists. For example, a company-wide list may
include the Distribution List of each department if none of the
department lists include other lists. This also applies to Extended
Mailboxes in Distribution Lists.
Extended Mallbox
If the IntraMessaglng Optlon Is Installed:
Enter Extended Mailboxes by answering INSTALL question 7 -
Distribution Lists. When finished with INSTAU, enter the UPDAI’E
program and modify the Distribution List to be an Extended Mailbox. If
configuring Extended Mailboxes after an installation is complete, enter
the UPDATE program and add Distribution Lists Then modify the type
to be an Extended Mailbox. The command to modify the type is:
If the IntraMessaghg Option is Not installed
The INSTALL program does not ask the question regarding Distribution
Lists. When fmished with INSTALL., enter the UPDATE program to
add the Distribution List. To create the Extended Mailboxes, at the dot
prompt type
The Distribution List is automatically created as an Extended