
Communication function parameters (Common serial options)
The data transfer speed, parity type, inverter number, and communication error trip time can be set/edited by
operation panel operation or communication function.
Title Function Adjustment range Default setting
Data transfer speed
0: 1200bps
1: 2400bps
2: 4800bps
3: 9600bps
Parity (Common serial)
0: NON (No parity)
1: EVEN (Even parity)
2: ODD (Odd parity)
Inverter number
0 63
Communication error trip time
0: Disabled *
1 100 (s)
* Disabled ........... Indicates that the inverter will not be tripped even if a communication error occurs.
Trip...................The inverter trips when a communication time-over occurs. In this case a trip information
" flashes on and off on the operation panel.
6.17.2 Using the RS232C/RS485
Setting the communication functions
Setting commands and frequencies by communications has priority over sending commands from the opera-
tion panel or the terminal board. Command/frequency setting by communications can therefore be enabled,
irrespective of the setting in the command mode (
) or the frequency setting mode ( ).
However, when the input terminal function selection parameter is set to 48: SC/LC (Serial/Local selection),
the inverter can be operated with the settings of the command mode (
) or the frequency setting mode
) by external input.
Transmission specifications
Item Specifications
Transmission scheme Half-duplex
Connection scheme Centralized control
Synchronization scheme Asynchronous
Transmission rate Default: 9600 baud (parameter setting)
Option: Either 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200 baud
Character transmission ASCII code: JIS X 0201, 8-bit (fixed)
Binary code: Binary, 8-bit (fixed)
Stop bit length Inverter receiving: 1 bit, Inverter sending: 2 bits
Error detection Parity: Even, Odd, or None selectable by parameter setting;
check sum method
Character transmission format Receiving: 11-bit, Sending: 12-bit
Order of bit transmission Least significant bit first
Frame length Variable to a maximum of 15 bytes