Users Manual TOPAS900 Flash V2.1
HWU Elektronik Oberhausen Page 22
4.2.2. TMPro Debugger
The TMPro Debugger is invoked by selecting the ”Toshiba Debugger” program group
and clicking the TMPro Debugger icon. Program debugging is done by downloading user
programs to external RAM on TOPAS900 Flash board and running them supervised by a
Monitor program in the external flash memory on the board.
Figure 7 : TMPro Window
When using the Toshiba environment there has to be a connection between the TMPro
Debugger on the PC and the respective Monitor (..\monitor\toshiba.h20) being started on
TOPAS900 Flash board. Hence, in beforehand the TOPAS900 board has to be connected
and active which is notified by the quickly flashing yellow LED. Invoking the TMPro
Debugger sets up the serial transfer line. Important to know when creating new
debugging profiles is the fixed communication speed of 38400 baud. The success in
setting this connection can be watched by LED stopping to flash a short while and
subsequently the Monitor will change the ratio of flashing to ca. 1:5. Hence, both the
Debugger and the Monitor are ready to work together.
Executable user programs are those with extension “.ABS“. Some small experimental
examples can be found in the directory “\SAMPLE\TEST900“. Select menu “FILE