92CZ26A-401 COMMAND Register
This register sets COMMAND at each endpoint. This register can be set selection of
endpoint in bit6 to bit4 and kind of COMMAND in bit3 to bit0.
COMMAND for endpoint that is supported is ignored.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
bit Symbol EP[2] EP[1] EP[0] Command[3] Command[2] Command[1] Command[0]
Read/Write W W W W W W W
After reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note: When writing to this register, the recovery time of 2clock at 12MHz is needed. If writing continuously, insert
dummy instruction more than 250 ns.
EP [2:0] (Bit6 to bit4)
000: Select endpoint 0
001: Select endpoint 1
010: Select endpoint 2
011: Select endpoint 3
COMMAND [3:0] (Bit3 to bit0)
0000: Reserved
0001: Reserved
0010: SET_DATA0 This COMMAND clear toggle sequence bit of applicable endpoint (EP0 to EP3).
If this COMMAND is inputted, it set toggle sequence bit of applicable endpoint to “0”
compulsively. Data toggle for transfer is renewed automatically by UDC. However, if
setting toggle sequence bit of endpoint to “0” compulsively, this COMMAND execution
need. If control transfer type and Isochronous transfer type, execution this COMMND
don’t need because of controlling in hardware.
0011: RESET This COMMAND reset applicable endpoint (EP0 to EP3).
If this COMMAND is inputted, applicable endpoint is initialized. CLEAR_FEATURE
request stall endpoint. When this stall is cleared, execute this COMMAND. (This
command doesn’t affect to transfer mode.)
This command Initialize following item.
Clear toggle sequence bit of applicable endpoint.
Clear STALL of applicable endpoint.
Set to FIFO_ENABLE condition.
0100: STALL This COMMAND set applicable endpoint to STALL (EP0 to EP3).
If STALL handshake must be return as answer for device request, execute this
0101: INVALID This COMMAND set condition to prohibition using applicable endpoint (EP1 to EP3).
If UDC detect USB_RESET signal from USB host, it set all endpoint (except endpoint 0)
to prohibition using it automatically. If Config and Interface are changed by device
request, set endpoint that is not used to prohibit using.
0110: CREATE_SOF This COMMAND set quasi-SOF generation function to enable (EP0).
Default is set to disable, it need using for Isochronous transfer.
0111: FIFO_DISABLE This COMMAND set FIFO of applicable endpoint to disable (EP1 to EP3).
If this command is set from external, all of transfer for applicable endpoint returns NAK.
When it is set from external if during receiving packet, this becomes valid from next
token. This command doesn’t affect packet that is transferring.