
6 F 3 B 0 3 6 4
6.3.3 Execution Node Information
When you specify "3" for request information type at RAS information read request, the execution
information of the slave devices (module status, 7-segment LED status) can be read into the
acknowledgement area.
Acknowledgement area
02D0H Request code (0015H)
02D1H Completion status
02D2H Number of RAS information words 64 words
02D3H Execution node information
(1) Module Status (02D3H - 02F2H: 32 words)
02D3H-02F2H in the acknowledgement area are used for module status.
Module status indicates the operations in code that the DN211 is executing with slave devices and
the network. "NA = " in Table 6.9 shows a node address.
Table 6.9 Module Status
F 8 7 0 F 8 7 0
02D3H NA = 1 NA = 0 02E3H NA = 33 NA = 32
02D4H NA = 3 NA = 2 02E4H NA = 35 NA = 34
02D5H NA = 5 NA = 4 02E5H NA = 37 NA = 36
02D6H NA = 7 NA = 6 02E6H NA = 39 NA = 38
02D7H NA = 9 NA = 8 02E7H NA = 41 NA = 40
02D8H NA = 11 NA = 10 02E8H NA = 43 NA = 42
02D9H NA = 13 NA = 12 02E9H NA = 45 NA = 44
02DAH NA = 15 NA = 14 02EAH NA = 47 NA = 46
02DBH NA = 17 NA = 16 02EBH NA = 49 NA = 48
02DCH NA = 19 NA = 18 02ECH NA = 51 NA = 50
02DDH NA = 21 NA = 20 02EDH NA = 53 NA = 52
02DEH NA = 23 NA = 22 02EEH NA = 55 NA = 54
02DFH NA = 25 NA = 24 02EFH NA = 57 NA = 56
02E0H NA = 27 NA = 26 02F0H NA = 59 NA = 58
02E1H NA = 29 NA = 28 02F1H NA = 61 NA = 60
02E2H NA = 31 NA = 30 02F2H NA = 63 NA = 62
Table 6.10 Module Status Code
Module status code Description
0 ( 00H ) Normal status
1 ( 01H ) Not set to transmittable status enabled
2 ( 02H ) No data flows onto the transmission path
3 ( 03H ) Communication error occurred.
4 ( 04H ) The scan list differs from the actual slave composition.
5 ( 05H ) The network is encountering trouble.
6 ( 06H ) Abnormal network power is detected.
9 ( 09H ) Busoff is detected.
10 ( 0AH ) An Duplicated node address is detected.