6 F 3 B 0 3 6 4
5.2.5 Parameter Setting Request (slave device)
See"4.6.4 Parameter Setting Request "(slave device) for details.
Request area F 0 Register allocation
0334H 0012H Parameter setting request code D0100
0335H 0001H Slave parameter setting D0101
0336H 0005H Number of slave devices (5) D0102
0337H 0000H Fixed at "0" D0103
0338H 0001H Node address (1) D0104
0339H 0001H Vendor ID (1) D0105
033AH 000CH Product type (12) D0106
033BH 0001H Product code (1) D0107
033CH 0001H Scan type: polling D0108
033DH 0000H Polling by the scan D0109
033EH 0000H BS reception size (byte) D0110
033FH 0006H PL reception size (byte) D0111
0340H 0000H Fixed at "0" D0112
0341H 0004H PL transmitting size (byte) D0113
0342H 0000H Fixed at "0" D0114
0343H 0001H Major revision (1) D0115
0344H 0004H Minor revision (4) D0116
0345H 0000H Fixed at "0" D0117
0346H 0000H Fixed at "0" D0118
0347H 0000H Fixed at "0" D0119
0348H 0006H Node address (6) D0120
0349H 0001H Vendor ID (1) D0121
034AH 000CH Product type (12) D0122
034BH 0001H Product code(1) D0123
034CH 0001H Scan type: polling D0124
034DH 0000H Polling by the Scan D0125
Acknowledgement area Register allocation
02D0H 0012H Parameter setting request code D0300
02D1H Completion statue D0301
Semaphore register Register allocation
03FDH Request flag register D0090
03FFH Request register D0091
Acknowledgement flag register
03FCH Acknowledgement flag register (write) D0094