
STE 58761
1.4.7 Format for Operating Instructions
The following format is used in this manual to explain how to use commands.
Title [command name]
(1) Function
Explains the purpose of the command and what it does.
(2) Input format
Explains the input format for operation. An input consists of a command and
parameters. Listed below are notation used to describe the input format.
[ ] Indicates an item (or items) that may be specified if necessary and omitted if not.
< > Indicates an item (or items) to be input.
<d:> Specifies the drive name. One must enter either A or R.
A : FDD unit (option)
R : RAM drive
<file name> Specifies the file name. <file name> may consist of a name having up to
eight alphanumeric characters and an extension having up to three characters. For
example, CONSTRUC.SYS is a valid <file name>.
{ } Indicates that one parameter is to be chosen from among the multiple parameters
... Indicates that multiple parameters may be specified.
Note that the characters [ ], < >, { } and ... are themselves not to be entered.
They are merely symbols use to describe the input format.
(3) Comments
Explains restrictions and things to keep in mind.
(4) Procedure
Explains procedures and system responses for various operations.
(5) Related functions
Explains related functions.