STE 58761
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External Automatic
Mode (EXT)
The External Automatic Mode is used to
automatically operate the robot by program. This
operation is performed with external control signals
or signals from a host computer.
Internal Automatic
Mode (INT)
The Internal Automatic Mode is used to
automatically operate the robot by program. This
operation is carried out from either the control panel
or the teach pendant.
Master Mode
Manual Mode (MANU) The Manual Mode is used to perform such
operations as teaching, guiding, file management
and program test runs. All such operations are
carried out with the teach pendant.
Utility Mode The Utility Mode is used to perform such operations
as coordinate selection, position monitoring and
signal monitoring. The Utility Mode is carried out
from the teach pendant and is unrelated to the
master mode.
Error Display Mode The error display mode is used to display and reset
errors with the teach pendant. The error display
mode has nothing to do with the Master Mode.
The emergency stop and servo off operations can be used regardless of the present mode.