3 Tests and Diagnostics 3.26 SETUP
9. Configuration
This field displays the configuration method.
The devices are initialized when the PNP OS loads.
Setup by OS First, devices necessary for loading the OS will be
initialized. After the PNP OS loads, other devices will
be initialized by the OS. In this case, setup of PC Cards
will be fixed to “Auto-Selected,” and cannot be
changed. (Default)
All Devices All devices will be initialized.
If you are using an OS that does not have PNP capacity, select “All Devices.”
The Display shows the following message:
Device Config. = All Devices
10. I/O ports
This option controls settings for the parallel port.
NOTE: Do not assign the same interrupt request level and I/O address to the
serial port and PC card.
(a) Parallel
This option sets the interrupt request level (IRQ) and I/O port base address for
the parallel port. When the Printer Port Mode is set to Std. Bi-direct, the
options are:
LPT setting Interrupt level I/O address
LPT 1 7 378H
LPT 2 5 278H
LPT 3 7 3BCH
Not Used Disables port
3-80 Satellite A20 Maintenance Manual (960-444)