
6 F 3 B 0 3 5 6
TermSTS Status Meaning
00H Normal complete
01H Register designation error Occurs if a register other than XW, YW,W, LW, RW, D, F, T, C, or SW is
designated as the data storage register in one of the following requests.
Requests: Remote station loopback, Register read/write.
In a register read or write request, the request designated a read or write from
a T register to a register other than a T register.
(This also applies to C registers.)
02H Response timeout Occurs if a response is not received within the designated time for a remote
station loopback or register read/write request.
03H Parameter error Occurs if a value other than 2 is designated for the module ID.
Occurs if a value other than 1 (T2N/T3H) or 2 (T3H) is designated for the
channel number.
04H Register write protect Occurs if an attempt to write is made when the remote registers were write
Occurs if an attempt to read is made when the local registers were write
05H (Reserved)
Module error Occurs if the module is down.
Occurs if the master station of PC link times out
Initialization in progress Occurs if the module is initializing.
07H No send channel (CH)
Occurs if the corresponding S20LP-station is not installed.
08H Invalid station number Occurs if the local station address designated 0 or over 64.
Occurs if the remote station address was set up the same local station
09H Transfer size error Occurs if either 0 or 129 or more words were designated for either a register
read/write or a remote station loopback request.
0AH Boundary error Occurs if the specified area (start address + register range) does not exist in
the T2N/T3H data storage registers.
Requests: Remote port loopback, Register read/write
0BH Transmission error Occurs if the S20LP-station returns an error response.
Detailed information (the S20LP-station response status) is stored at B+1.
0CH I/O no answer error
Occurs if the T2N/T3H cannot access S20LP-station.
IC card designation error
Occurs if an error occurs when the T3H IC card is being used as register
(expanded F register) in one of the following request.
(See the T3H Instruction Manual.)
Request: Register read/write
1. Occurs if IC card is not setting up.
2. IC card type error
3. Register write protected
(Reserved : T2N)
0EH Retry timeout error
Occurs if a T2N retransmission times out.
0FH (Reserved)