6 F 3 B 0 3 5 6
(5) Status (B)
The status during the execution of a SEND or RECV instruction and after that instruction
terminates is stored in the register shown at B. When TermSTS = 0BH, the detailed
information (S20LP-station error information) will be loaded into the registers indicated at
location B + 1.
The following figure shows the structure of the status information (register B) and following
tables (TermSTS (Part1 and Part2) and detailed information) show the detailed information
(register B +1).
B Status
B+1 Detailed information
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B 0
(Note 6) The user program must set bits C and D to 0 before first activating a SEND/RECV
instruction. Failure to do so will cause the SEND/RECV instruction to not complete. Also,
do not write to the status during instruction execution. This will cause the SEND/RECV
instruction to not complete.
abn 0: Normal complete
1: Error complete
busy 0: Initial state
1: Transmission port busy
status 0: Initial state
1: While send requesting
2: Send complete and while waiting
Only on an error 0: Error occurred at local station.
1: Error occurred at remote station.