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Performance Monitor
The Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe) brings the Windows Utility Performance Monitor to the foreground. This troubleshooting tool is
to be used when working with technical support to diagnose a problem with your recorder.
Log Files
Use the Log File tab to view logs for system, event, alarm, and drive check statuses by date. You can also export logs, and manage how
the log files are stored.
Viewing Log Files
1. In the Live screen, click Setup, and then click System Information.
2. Click the Log Files tab.
3. Click Select Log Type, and then select the type of log you want to see (System, Event, Alarm, or Drive Check).
4. Use the Calendar to select the date you want to review.
5. Scroll through the System Log Files list to view your files.
Exporting Log Files
1. Select a Start Date and an End Date.
2. Click Export Log Data (Text), or Export Log Data (Raw), depending on your needs.
3. Browse to the location you want to save your files, and then click OK.
User-Defined Contact Numbers
Select log type
Drive Check