32338AC 35
Day of the Week
Click Single Selection Mode or Multi Selection Mode to switch between modes of scheduling by day of the week.
Single Selection Mode – Set your schedule one day at a time by selecting the appropriate day.
Multi Selection Mode – Set your schedule for multiple days at once by selecting all the days you want to configure.
Creating a Recording Schedule (Example)
The following instructions will help you create a simple schedule for cameras 1 through 4. This is designed as a tool to help you
understand how to create a schedule. When you understand the process of creating a schedule, you will want to create one to suit your
specific needs.
This example schedule will be as follows:
MON-FRI (9AM-5:59PM) all 4 cameras will record using MOTION recording.
MON-FRI (6PM-8:59AM) all 4 cameras will record using CONTINUOUS recording.
SAT-SUN (12AM-11:59PM) all 4 cameras will record using MOTION recording.
Setting Daytime Motion Detection (Example)
1. In the Schedule Number list, select Sch01.
2. Click Single Selection Mode to change to Multi Selection Mode.
3. Select Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fri.
4. On the Sch01 row, click and drag your mouse to select the hours 9 – 7, and then click Set.
5. Click 1 in the Camera section repeatedly, until a green M (motion) appears.
6. Repeat for 2 – 4 in the Camera section.
7. Click Apply to save.