This is the cause or stimulus which denes when to trigger the Network Camera. The trigger source can
be congured to use the Network Camera’s built-in motion detection mechanism or external digital input
There are several choices of trigger sources as shown below.
Select the item to display the detailed
conguration options.
■ Video motion detection
This option makes use of the built-in motion detection mechanism as a trigger source. To enable this
function, you need to congure a Motion Detection Window rst. For more information, please refer to
Motion Detection on page 75 for details.
■ Periodically
This option allows the Network Camera to trigger periodically for every other dened minute. Up to 999
minutes are allowed.
■ Digital input
This option allows the Network Camera to use an external digital input device or sensor as a trigger
source. Depending on your application, there are many choices of digital input devices on the market
which helps to detect changes in temperature, vibration, sound, and light, etc.
■ System boot
This option triggers the Network Camera when the power to the Network Camera is disconnected.