9 - 19
Parameter Explanations (cont'd)
Item 167, LOW CURRENT DETECT LEVEL - Enter the current amount (in % or amps depending on setting
of Item 296) below which the drive will trip and/or close an appropriately-programmed output contact.
Item 168, LOW CURRENT DETECTION TIME - Enter the time the output current must be below the
amount set in Item 167 before the drive trips and/or closes an appropriately-programmed output contact.
Item 169, OUTPUT SHORT-CIRCUIT DETECTION SELECT - To protect itself, the drive does an output
short-circuit check every time a run is initiated. This parameter changes the short-circuit check:
Standard setting
When a low impedance motor is used, this setting desensitizes the short-circuit check,
reducing nusiance trips.
This setting programs the drive to perform the check at power up only.
Combination of 1 and 2 above.
Do not operate the drive on a motor with power factor correction capacitors.
Item 170, OVERTORQUE TRIP SELECTION - Enter a "1" here to program the drive to fault OVERTORQUE
TRIP based on on the torque current amount. See Item 171.
Item 171, OVERTORQUE TRIP LEVEL - Enter the torque current (in % or amps depending on the setting
of Item 296, CURRENT UNITS SELECTION) at which the drive trips and/or closes an appropriately-
programmed output contact (see Items 60,63, or 66 and setting values 28/29 on page 9-11).
Item 172, FAULT TRIP SAVING - This parameter determines the effect of cycling power on a faulted
Fault and fault data cleared when drive powers up.
Drive powers up in tripped state (drive display remains in faulted state, but fault data and fault
contact are not maintained).
The setting of Item 153, NUMBER OF RETRY ATTEMPTS, is ignored by the drive when Item 172 is
set to "1".
Item 173, COOLING FAN CONTROL SELECTION - This parameter determines if the drive's fan is
thermostatically-controlled or if it runs continuously.
Item 174, CUMULATIVE RUN TIMER ALARM SETTING - One of the drive's output contacts can be
programmed to change state based upon the time entered here. See Items 60,63, or 66 and setting values
56/57 on page 9-12. ".01" is one hour.
The H3 has a feature called pattern run that emulates a low-level PLC. During a pattern run, the drive
follows a
pattern group
by running at the user's preset speeds for desired amounts of time in desired
directions with desired accel/decel times for a defined number of cycles. The H3 has 15 preset speeds,
any of which can be assigned to be speeds zero through seven in a pattern group. The drive can hold up
to four separate pattern groups, any of which can be remotely selected to run.
Item 175, PATTERN RUN SELECTION - This parameter enables pattern run. When stopping/starting
drive from panel, pattern run takes priority over the keypad's frequency reference.
Item 176, PATTERN RUN CONTINUE MODE - This parameter determines if a pattern group is continued
after a pattern run is stopped and restarted:
Pattern group starts over with its first speed
Pattern resumes at the time of and with the speed at interruption