8 - 31
*Items 299 - 315 are available only when Item 298 Adjustment Range option 1 is selected.
**Contact Toshiba for details on Traverse Parameter Item 313A
BLIND FUNCTION 298 Blind function selection 0: Items 299-315 blinded 0 9-27
SELECTION 1: View Items 299-315
FUNDAMENTAL 299* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind this group 0 9-27
PARAMS #2 BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
PANEL CONTROL PARAMS 300* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind this group 0 9-28
BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visiblegroup list
TERMINAL SELECTION 301* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind this group 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
SPECIAL CONTROL 302* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind this group 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
FREQUENCY SETTING 303* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind this group 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
PROTECTION FUNCTION 304* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
PATTERN RUN CONTROL 305* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
FEEDBACK CONTROL 306* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
COMMUNICATION PARAMS 307* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
INDUSTRIAL APPL: PUMP 308* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
INDUSTRIAL APPL: FAN 309* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
INDUSTRIAL APPL: 310* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
CONVEYOR BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
INDUSTRIAL APPL: 311* Thsi group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-28
HOIST BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
INDUSTRIAL APPL: 312* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-29
TEXTILES BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
INDUSTRIAL APPL:MACHINE 313* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-29
TOOLS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
TRAVERSE PARAMETERS 313A* This group must be unblinded to 0:Blind 0 **
BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
AM/FM ADJUSTMENT 314* This group must be unblinded to 0:Blind 0 9-29
PARAMS BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list
MOTOR PARAMETERS 315* This group must be unblinded to 0: Blind 0 9-29
BLIND access group's parameters 1: Add this group to visible group list