Network Operator’s Guide — TopAccess Errors 93
Not enough memory Make sure there is enough memory to
save the scan job.
2D14, 2D61
Invalid parameter specified Make sure you specify the settings cor-
rectly and try again.
2D15, 2D65
There are too many documents in
the folder. Failed in creating new
Delete the data in the local shared folder
in the equipment.
Failed to create directory Make sure that the access privilege to the
storage directory is writable and the
server or local disc has a sufficient space.
Then retry the scan.
2D31, 2D33
Failed to create file Make sure that the access privilege to the
storage directory is writable and the
server or local disc has a sufficient space.
Then retry the scan.
Failed to delete file Turn the power OFF and then back ON.
Retry the scan.
Failed to convert image file format Turn the power OFF and then back ON.
Retry the scan. If the error still occurs,
contact your service representative.
Failed to copy file Turn the power OFF and then back ON.
Retry the scan. If the error still occurs,
contact your service representative.
Failed to connect to network desti-
nation. Check destination path.
Make sure the network folder is shared in
your network and retry the scan. If the
error still occurs, ask your administrator
to confirm whether the IP address or path
of the server is correct. Also make sure
that the server is operating properly.
Specified network path is invalid.
Check destination path.
Make sure you specify correct network
folder and retry the scan.
Logon to file server failed. Check
username and password.
Make sure you specify correct user name
and password to logon the file server, or
you specify correct file server. Then retry
the scan.
Failed to process your job. Insuffi-
cient disk space.
Delete the data in the local shared folder
in the equipment and retry the scan.
FTP service is not available Ask your administrator whether the FTP
service is configured correctly.
File Sharing service is not avail-
Ask your administrator whether the SMB
protocol is enabled.
2DC0 Job canceled (Job was canceled.)
Power failure occurred Make sure that the power cable is con-
nected properly and it is inserted securely.
Resend the job.
Store to e-Filing
2B10 There was no applicable job. Retry the scan.
Error Code Message Corrective Action