MDN Report
This is a notification message
that the recipient has success-
fully received the E-mail mes-
Auto Print (if programmed;
see page 75):
Printing will automatically
start when the MDN mes-
sage is received from the
To receive the MDN from
the recipient, you must
send an E-mail with the
MDN request. To set this
option, see page 71.
The MDN will not print if the
E-mail message has not
been successfully received
by the recipient, or the recipi-
ent does not support the
MDN. In this case, you can
print the Alert Report that
tells you have not received
the MDN from the recipient.
See page 97 about the Alert
Printing Procedure
From : <ifax@toshiba.com>
To : <user01@toshiba.com>
Cc :
Date : Fri, 2 Mar 2001 11:53:43 +0900
Subject : Disposition notification (MDN): Success
Message ID : <200103025113610.43@Ifxa.toshibatec.com>
This report relates to a message you sent with the following header fields:
Message-id: <200103025113610.43@Ifxa.toshibatec.com>
To: user01@toshiba.com
Subject: Internet Fax MAIL
This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to the above recipient.
The message and attached file may have been printed or saved. This is no guarantee that the
message has been read or understood.
Reporting-UA: Ifxa.toshibatec.com
Original-Recipient: rfc822;ifax@toshiba.com
Final-Recipient: rfc822;user01@toshiba.com
Original-message-ID: <200103025113610.43@Ifxa.toshibatec.com>
Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically;dispatched